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Fees (updated 04/01/2022)

Flow Cytometry Analyzers

Fees for the User-Operated LSR II, Fortessa, Attune, and Aurora Cytometers
Fee Schedule:

  • Minimum Charge = 15 minutes
  • The greater scheduled time or actual cytometer usage will be charged.
  Unified Core Member* Non-Pitt
Analytic-solo $52.00/hr N/A
Analytic-assisted $91.00/hr $260.00/hr

Training fees for the cytometers are at the analytic-assisted rate

Cell Sorters

All Flow Cytometric Sorting
 Performed by the Facility Operator is at the Sort-assisted rate

  • Rates Effective Jan. 1, 2015
  • Minimum Charge = 1 hour
  Unified Core Member* Non-Pitt
Sort-solo $52.00/hr N/A
Sort-assisted $90.00/hr $360.00/hr

ImageStream Imaging Cytometer

  Unified Core Member* Non-Pitt
Analytic-solo $80.00/hr N/A
Analytic-assisted $106.00/hr $293.00/hr

Training fees for the ImageStream are at the analytic-assisted rate

Canopy ZellScanner ONE

  Unified Core Member* Non-Pitt
Analytic-solo $44.00/hr N/A
Analytic-assisted $88.00/hr N/A

Training fees for the ZellScanner ONE are at the analytic-assisted rate

*Core Member: Any Pitt or UPMC research affiliated lab.

Non-UPitt:  (Researchers who have a primary affiliation outside of the University of Pittsburgh)

The Unified Core was launched in 2015 via the joint efforts of four groups: The Department of Immunology, The Starzl Transplantation Institute, the Division of Rheumatology, and the Vascular Medicine Institute and PACCM.